Can You Use Pellets in an Electric Smoker? – Just In 6 Steps!

An electric smoker is a fantastic tool that makes smoking food quicker and easier than ever before. Unfortunately, many beginners who use electric smokers do not realize that they can use pellets in an electric smoker. 

It’s easy to overlook the use of pellets in an electric smoker because they are alternatives to propane or charcoal, which are much more common than pellets.

However, the correct type of pellets can give a unique kind of smoke that works much better than propane or charcoal in some circumstances. 

Whether you’re a novice with your first electric smoker or a pro looking to spice things up with different fuel, you’ve probably wondered which wood can be used to give your smoked foods that extra something.

So we set out to answer this question once and for all – is it possible to use pellets in an electric smoker? There was only one way to find out! The way is that you have to read this article carefully. 

What are Pellets?

Pellets are natural organic matter used as fuel, and they have become increasingly popular with smokers due to the delicate flavor they provide.

These pellets can be made from different sources, including fruit pits, nut shells, and even meat byproducts.

Using wood pellets in an electric smoker allows a variety of dishes to be made-from jerky to salmon, or any other type of food that you love in the rainy season

Can You Use Wood Pellets in an Electric Smoker?

Most manufacturers recommend using wood chips when smoking meat, not wood pellets. So if you have any around your home, I wouldn’t suggest putting them in your smoker.

If you’re dead-set on trying it out, remember that they may not work as effectively in your smoker. 

The reason is that they’re denser than the traditional chips and will probably produce less smoke. Wood pellets are composed of compressed sawdust, which allows them to be more dense and durable in general. 

When used with smoking devices, such as smokers, wood pellets can burn for a more extended period of time than other kinds of wood chips because they don’t require a large amount of heat to ignite.

Since wood pellets are often used with electric smokers, their weight and consistency make them susceptible to causing problems inside the unit itself.

Advantages of Using Pellets in an Electric Smoker:

In an average wood-fired smoker, you would use chunks of wood as fuel, and the chunks are then burned, and the smoke itself is what provides the flavor to your meat.

Electric smokers, however, utilize a different method. Instead of using raw wood chunks, electric smokers use “smoke pellets,” which are made of small sawdust particles pressed together into a cylindrical shape. 

Here are some of the benefits of using pellets in an electric smoker:

  • Wood chips take longer to burn as compared to wood pellets.
  • Involving fuel wastage, these pellets make sure to control high-temperature levels.
  • They are perfect for both hot and cold smoking. 
  • They can produce a heavy, thick, and smoky flavor. 
  • Different intensities are present in different flavors. 
  • If they can be stored in a dry place, they can be preserved for longer. 

How to Use Pellets in an Electric Smoker?

When using smoke pellets in an electric smoker, remember that they are just like wood chips.

However, it’s best to get some help from experts in this area before you take the plunge and make a purchase. You don’t want to buy just any brand to make sure you are comfortable with what you’re using.

  • Smoke pellets made up of wood shape can provide better taste and smoke for your food.
  • They can burn fast, so do not leave them unattended.
  • Make sure to place them in a dry place. 
  • Grab a foil and place the pellets inside it.
  • Take a fork and make some holes to let the smoke come out. 
  • Place that inside the electric smoker and enjoy. 

Wood Chips Vs. Wood Pellets:

Depending on how much you know about smoking food, it might be a bit confusing trying to decide whether to use wood chips or pellets for smoking purposes.

It may seem like these two products are very similar, but there are a few differences between them. 

  • Different Flavours – With smoking, it’s all about the experience that you prefer. Both wood chips and wood pellets can produce different smoke flavors from various types of wood in different types of smokers. Like wines or scotches or gins, each user enjoys subtle nuances in taste.
  • Usage Convenience – One can say that wood pellets burn at slower flames than chips. This ensures higher temperature control, so they can last longer, which means that wood chips need more attention and monitoring as they will have a tendency to burn out comparatively faster.
  • When using an electric smoker, you have a choice of what kind of wood to use as fuel. Some brands prefer wood chips like the Masterbuilt Electric Smoker, while other brands either prefer pellets or just don’t care.


As you can see, it is perfectly safe to use pellets in electric smokers. However, it is wise to follow the instructions of the manufacturer because there are specific brands that require specific smoker woods.

But as a general rule of thumb, it is safe to say that smoking with pellets in electric smokers should be just fine. 

In the end, if you are looking to use wood pellets in your electric smoker, use them. This is a great chance to enjoy smoked meat using different tools than you usually would.

You can switch things up and get some variety by using these little smoking tools when you have time on your hands.

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